Refund and Returns

Refund and Returns Policy

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return products purchased on within 30 days of purchasing for a full refund. Product must be unused, in new saleable condition, with fully intact packaging. Return shipping will be covered by you. If there are visible signs of wear or use upon product arrival to Composite Knives, a refund will not be issued, and the product will be returned to sender. To return a product, you must first fill out the “Return/Warranty Claim Form”. Composite Knives will approve or reject owner to return their product based on photos provided in form. Final approval for warranty claims will be determined by inspection of products upon arrival to:

Composite Knives
2216 72nd Dr E
Sarasota, FL 34243

If product is returned without prior approval, Composite Knives will contact sender to confirm missing information and hold the product for up to 60 days until missing information is received. If sender does not confirm information, product will be returned to sender, and they will be charged for shipping with existing account info. If product is received in any state not shown in claims form, Composite Knives will solely determine whether return claims are valid. Composite Knives would contact owner and return to sender if claim is determined invalid. Owner is responsible for return shipping. Items purchased in person, through authorized resellers, or through other online platforms must be returned to the reseller, abiding by their return policies. Policy is subject to change without notice.

Effective Date: March 4th, 2022

Shipping Policy

Taylor and Lego Holdings, LLC, DBA/Composite Knives complies with all applicable Federal Laws regarding interstate shipment of our products. It is not possible for us to stay on top of the local state, city, and county laws throughout the U.S.

It is the Purchasers responsibility to confirm laws regarding shipping and use of knives from local to state level before purchasing Composite Knives products. If uncertain, we suggest contacting your local authorities to inquire about “Ownership” and “Carry” laws in your local jurisdiction. Policy is subject to change without notice.

Effective Date: March 4th, 2022


